It’s HEROESCON time! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the show this weekend. I’ll be at table 1729 in artist alley with original art, prints, and doing commissions during the show.

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I had the distinct honor of drawing this year's badges with my cast of characters. Look for them this weekend!

Thanks to & for making it happen!

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We're hitting the road to tomorrow, looking forward to an awesome weekend!

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SPENCER & LOCKE fans — you can find writer this Friday through Sunday at Table Q16, while artist will be at AA1224!

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Thanos. Goauche, Watercolor, Ink and Pencil on Bristol. 19x24. 2018

This piece will be for auction at

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This painting will be up for auction at

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Come see me and get a table sketch, a zine or a print. AA1923
This is slothie rocking his best kid mascot!

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*stage whisper* Hey guess what folks my comics are GAY AS HELL. issue 3 debuting at this weekend!

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Family Matters: HeroesCon by CreatureBox

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haven't painted in years
so at i'll be doing some headshots in artistalley table 1429 w/ &

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Stickers came in 👀 I'll have these at HeroesCon this upcoming weekend!

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Artist Alley locations are up for ! Look for me and at table AA-25!

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Trying digital on this former marker piece. Hoping it can be done by

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