page 10 from doing a cookie cutter portrait commission for and musing on love and stuff

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What sort of slug are you?

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Hourly comic day! My day wasn't really interesting though haha

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Time to take out the traaaash!!! omg! waiiiit! don't go guys!!! Btw, that's my Bare Bears tee ;P

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It’s again. How did this year go by so quickly?

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Its 12:30 my friends (ok, its 12:46. but it takes me a second to draw these alright...GOD)

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except I've barely been awake and mostly beeing sewing

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game grumps legit make me laugh so hard, they really keep me up sometimes

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3-5pm a wee rant about Brexit the bane of my working IT life these days. Never mind it’s nearly dinner

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More hourlies. i spend half the day just waking up.

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4am. This comic is NOT sponsored by Headspace.

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