Go to Howth and/or Dun Laoghaire.

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howthehell do ya'll do shit with giant boobs

i'm still trying to figure out what shoulders are

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Just thinking about heroic women today. Sacagawea, kidnapped, sold into marriage and at 17 with a 3 month old child on her back led an expedition for 8000 miles, from the book Go Show the World.

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Sacagawea was the first hero illustrated in ’s Go Show the World. I began with watercolour and pencil and soon moved away from sepia tone as the words are so uplifting and empowering. The final image is my art before adding colour.

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I’ve put a page about HOW THE BORKS BECAME, my new evolution-themed picture book with and , on my website.
Read my author note at the bottom to find out “how the book became.”


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another ref commission done, this one is for mr. jackel from FA

gotta add some live to that refs or maybe some more ass spreading
this boy is an hybrid dog/nargacuga from monster hunter games

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