Wanted to draw Jupiter's gijinka based on version of the planetary gijinkas (cuz he is looking good 😉) love your version ❤️

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A far out (in every sense) image - Jupiter's Clouds taken by the Juno mission https://t.co/E9Qv9u1Jew

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I just found out that today is Sailor Jupiter's birthday. Here she is as a Jedi Knight, one of my favorite drawings I've ever done. Happy birthday to my favorite Sailor Guardian!

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Image PJ8_124 from ; Sep 1, 2017. True color & enhanced. Jupiter's poles very diff from Saturn's, e.g. no vortex centered on pole.

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Just finished reading JUPITER'S LEGACY vol 2 by MARK MILLAR and FRANK QUITELY...Great story arc! Fantastic art!

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Jupiter's red spot is actually a large hurricane. At it's largest documented size you could fit three other planets inside of the storm.

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So, on June the 10th, NASA's spaceship JUNO passed over Jupiter's red spot in order to examine a huge storm that takes place there.

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Unprecedented views of South Pole cyclones and ring (the latter from the inside) highlights 's first scientific results

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Animation from 's P5 pass over Jupiter's south pole on March 27, 2017

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What it would look like if you were flying over Jupiter's clouds: human vision (L), enhanced (R). https://t.co/CZ3mVVfcxA

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Renewed my character Jupiter's design a bit, now she has long hair instead of super short!

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Jupiter's are hundreds of times more powerful than Earth's. Own this spectacular from

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Already Gerald Eichstaedt has processed several of latest Juno raw images to give us views of Jupiter's north pole:

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Jupiter's Purugly about to end poor Gallinule in my Platinum Wedlocke! I had the prettiest Psyduck :c

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Jupiter's Atmosphere Above Great Red Spot Hotter Than Molten Lava --"A Weird Coincidence?” https://t.co/4r5s1VTi0c

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Lost my second pair in my Platinum Wedlocke. Jacobin the Buizel & Quail the Geodude to Jupiter's Skuntank :c

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