For everyone arguing that Kasumi's outfit is too revealing, pour vous :)

8 11

thought my espe would look cute in kasumi's outfit

19 79

Small drawing for !
Plus, seems like the perfect time to say that Kasumi's a sword lesbian and dating Ann. 💕🏳️‍🌈
Sorry, I don't make the rules!

8 28

Kasumi's gloves and frills look like cat paws and the ikemen stranger looks like a certain cat! 🐾

120 374

*reposting to fix my typo oops*

Whoops my hand slipped

chad human morgana is a thing now. I mean im not complaining but but why wasnt he a smug gremlin 10-year-old

also kasumi's cute too

7 30

I dont like the fighting over Kasumi's design. just saying

6 28


1 4

modern AU versions of Kasumi's parents, Shinjiro and Naoko! ✨

4 8

Asuka (Kasumi's little sister) and Kasumi. They look alike too.

0 1

イベント『はじまりの物語~Kasumi's Secret Story~』開催中♪ランクインでかすみのSSRが覚醒できます。イベントラストスパートセットも販売中!

開催期間:3/1(金) 14:00 ~3/9(土) 14:59

69 207

So everyone, thoughts on the new design of Misty's / Kasumi's Outfit for Pokemon Sun & Moon?

74 267

Watching live last yr, skewed my fave as I fell in love Arisa/Kasumi's seiyuu. I love there cute talk shows together too ;3; I'm drawn to more chaotic characters though/love tsundere's so as a whole i'm drawn to Arisa & her seiyuu *_* but still love Aimin to pieces

0 6

congrats to on the worldwide launch!! I've been a fan since last year, I don't really have a solid favourite out of all the girls, but Kasumi's singing voice and determination always make me smile! 🌟

4 24

it's so warm~ ah, kasumi's asleep already...

118 213

Favorite 1 Star Card - Kasumi's for the sole reason that it gave me a 5th pure card in the Sakura Blooming Part event on jp, using all the boosts available in that event was super necessary. Might use her again next week on EN 🤔

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You can't argue with Kasumi's placement

64 93

Kasumi's CNY disguise. or something like dat.

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