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@Art_Btrick Eu uso a Kurara(minha oc) em Rpgs, a personalidade dela não varia muito, mas eu tento encaixar de acordo com as histórias que crio pra ela. Cada designe e estilo vai cm a história e sua personalidade. A primeira por exemplo é de um apocalipse zumbi 🥰
Não resisti... Tá aí, Kurara Bunny Girl
@JCaio_arts marcando tu pq eu sei que tu gosta sksksksksm
@IgoritoNoBrasil Então, vão me encontrar como Anarmy, mas me chamo Ana e tenho minha oc kurara. Faço arte digital a um tempo, tudo com carinho e também abro comissions 🥰 Esperem que gostem da minha arte..
Tava cm saudade de desenhar a Kurara, ta ai... Duas versões pq sou indecisa
Princess Kurara's ability to transform into an adult version of herself is definitely inspired by Osamu Tezuka's early magical girl series Marvelous Melmo (ふしぎなメルモ).
Princess Kurara made her debut in Power Instinct 2 in 1994. She may look like a Sakura clone at first glance, but Card Captor Sakura actually didn't debut until 1996!
Here she is in her "Super Kurara" form. Look at those awesome knuckle dusters!! I love Range Murata's design sense! I believe he has an industrial design background.
Sweeet! I share a birthday with Princess Kurara Hananokoji (花小路 クララ) from the Power Instinct games! Designed by Range Murata! She's one of the coolest Magical Girls out there! https://t.co/biMuidHtNZ
Instead I’ll talk about these two...pinaka is a darknut lizard boy. Big and strong,,, has many earrings. Kurara is a selective mute who is poisoned by malice/burned by it in the past. He’s hella, and doesn’t have any enemies in the clan bc why would anyone hate him
also coughs in another series previously they also make the pointy ears guy possesed right.... so I guess??? maybe????????????? I'm grasping at any straw possibility that Marina still lives yes because I love Marina so much (Kurara she only ever gets 10 sec screentime) I don't ca
The next chapter of November Heat is posted! Where was he? Why did she smack him? Go here
https://t.co/Q1TrMjHQBw for Rated T
And here for rated M https://t.co/7bKnbiPnij
Picture by Kurara
The first chapter of my spicy November fic is posted! Heatwaves in November cause a reunion that reignites the flame of a long-lost love
Pic by: Kurara