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2022.1.8 퇴근송 / You're So Vain (LP Version) - Carly Simon (@CarlySimonHQ)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #carlysimon #youresovain #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.5 퇴근송 / Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #cultureclub #boygeorge #karmachameleon #chameleon #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.3 퇴근송 / Daddy - Coldplay (@coldplay)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #노웨어스페셜 #nowherespecial #ubertopasolini #coldplay #daddy #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.2 퇴근송 / Bang! - AJR (@AJRBrothers)
신년 특집 <2021 팝 뮤직 총결산>
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #2021팝뮤직총결산 #ajr #bang #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2022.1.1 퇴근송 / Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) - Post Malone (@PostMalone)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #2021팝뮤직총결산 #postmalone #sunflower #spidermanintothespiderverse #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.29 퇴근송 / 나는 나비 A Flying Butterfly - YB
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #fourplay #livefourplay #yb #윤도현 #나는나비 #aflyingbutterfly #butterfly #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.26 퇴근송 / The Load Out, Stay - Jackson Browne (@JacksonBrowne)
언제나 한 곡 같은 두 곡,
언제나 꿈같은 노래 😎
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #jacksonbrowne #theloadout #stay #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.25 퇴근송 / Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence - Sakamoto Ryuichi (@ryuichisakamoto)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #ryuichisakamoto #류이치사카모토 #さかもとりゅういち #merrychristmasmrlawrence #merrychristmas #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.23 퇴근송 / parachute - John K (@johnk)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #johnk #parachute #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.21 퇴근송 / Christmas Without You - Sheppard (@wearesheppard)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #sheppard #christmaswithoutyou #christmas #bostonballetbear #ballet #bear #bostonbear #balletbear #illustration
2021.12.20 퇴근송 / Drive My Car (Remastered 2009) - The Beatles (@thebeatles)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #드라이브마이카 #drivemycar #thebeatles #무라카미하루키 #murakamiharuki #여자없는남자들 #drawing #illustration
2021.12.17 퇴근송 / Start Me Up - The Rolling Stones
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #therollingstones #mickjagger #startmeup #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.15 퇴근송 / Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft - Klaatu
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #klaatu #callingoccupantsofinterplanetarycraft #화류동풍 #花柳東風 #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.8 퇴근송 / Everybody Knows - Leonard Cohen
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #leonardcohen #everybodyknows #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.6 퇴근송 / Doing It To Death - The Kills (@TheKills)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #티탄 #titane #thekills #doingittodeath #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.12.4 퇴근송 / Mr. Crowley - Ozzy Osbourne (@OzzyOsbourne)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #ozzyosbourne #randyrhoads #mrcrowley #scribbling #drawing #illustratio
2021.11.30 퇴근송 / Between The Lines - Sara Bareilles (@SaraBareilles)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #패밀리데이 #안영미장성규의음악캠프 #sarabareilles #betweenthelines #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.11.29 퇴근송 / 무녀도 - 산울림
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #태일이 #무녀도 #theshamansorceress #산울림 #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.11.28 퇴근송 / Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #simonandgarfunkel #mrsrobinson #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.11.27 퇴근송 / rockstar (Feat. 21 Savage) - Post Malone (@PostMalone)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #postmalone #21savage #rockstar #scribbling #drawing #illustration