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Hi uh yeah just a bunch of this white british man ^_^

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I love all the fanartists in this community so much <3

4 14

So hello !
I'm May and I mostly draw my AU-stories

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its been a while since ive drawn mcyt art now (besides the bdubs doodles LMAO) but im still kicking baby !!! foolish design included purely cus of nostalgia man i cant believe its almost been 2 years now

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ello! I mostly draw Tommy and Dream with friends 🍇

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happy guys i also draw silly minecraft people

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It’s Have some cats 💕💕

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I know i post these all the time but i genuinely peaked here

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oh hi hi! im kita (or ira) and i really like the hermits that craft :]

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time!! :D

my tablet is currently messed up so i have no new art but hello i’m Hannah!!
i will try to get it fixed and make more mcyt art soon! :]

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heyo :D i’m Ardy and i do mcyt art mainly
(i am currently doing an art collab w an incredible community artist with desert duo s7 hc 👀 so keep an eye out!!)

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