I wanted to announce that I am 0p3n f0r c0mmz!! Taking ref sheets, customs, chibis, icons, badges, and full & half bodies! Any style! Dm me for more info!

10 16

Oh, Mega Man is trending.


Anyway, hello there! I draw Mega Man sometimes, despite being more Ultraman focused lately lmao

Also stan MMZ Zero

Also also, Grey is the best protagonist

8 23

hihi im al3ph i draw b1g men and and eyestrain n gor3/body horr0r and way to0 many ch4racter designz
only link i have iz my ng link(I will get it later.. mayb3)
BVT th3re iz my d1zcord[ALEPH_Z3R0#0258]u can t4lk to me for c0mmz ther3 since I still g0tta rework my 1nfo so0n l0lz

5 6

recent icon c0mmz from my friend solar n_n

2 12

Also it just turns Zero into his mmz design basically lmao

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I don't think I've ever shown these off have I? I was working a bit on trying to make my own 8-bit styled Mega Man series characters. The one I've gotten the most work done for this was MMZ Zero, but I did at least get something started for X and Iris -another-.

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Cover Art by: (Commisions Open!)
Logo Design:
Pixel Art Logo: (Commisions Open!)

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well if u want to be technical, people at Capcom are still acknowledging and bringing mmz content to Rockman X-Dive this year. ┐(‘~`;)┌

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[Updated doodles] Punk, Enker and Ballade from the GameBoy Mega Man games & Dynamo from MMX5 and Elpizo from MMZ2.
The characters belong to Capcom.

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mmz spoilers??? anyways i wanted them to match so zero gets a cyber elf design too

5 33

4. My favorite artists rn are @/dreamin_art and @/meka_more_4se
gotta love mmz artist
5. I still really like how this halloween piece from last year turned out (honorable mention to this giftart)

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2: This one's also pretty hard to answer, since there's a lot of extremely likable characters. If I picked something, it'd be Zero, specifically as he appears in the MMZ series. He's been generally a pretty big inspiration and one of my favorite designs and personalities.

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Retackled Axl Reconnect(MMZ) AU desing.

Like how the change came out. hfvisu

13 41

Zero is also ambidextrous, in MMZ he also uses the saber as a "Zweihander"

On topic of Geo, he is not at all ambidextrous, all of his sword chips are on his left.

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The Left side is the X version of Zero & the right side is the MMZ version of Zero)

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I helped someone recreating what OG X from MMZ would look like based on all the official arts and sprites available, this is the result we reached

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