MXY : "D-Dad! I am only 14 years old."
JGS : "You are already 14 years old, Xuan Yu"
JGS's hand:"You scum!"

65 273

tfw wwx in mxy's body looks more like adult wwx than yiling laozu who is the actual adult wwx www

more like wwx in mxy's body is wwx in his early twenties while yiling laozu in his 30s (even tho he's already yiling laozu in 20s)

60 142

Quick comic regarding WWX's new MXY clothes and ahoge!!

1382 2386

if first picture is teen WWX, second is adult WWX, third is WWX in MXY body then...who's fourth pic?? @ young adult WWX or WWX in MXY body but with nicer clothes ?? (that LWJ bought for him probably lol)

57 174

"Mxy" I freaking LOVED mxy!! Great antihero!! Hope he returns 😂🙏🙏

9 20

MXY3G75LLteJ9kkdbYtedLgx らっくがきらっくがきらっくがきほいほいほい!

1 13