Hey I've spent the last four years working on a Point and Click passion project, undertaking the art, writing, design, sound and err... some of the programming! It's crazy, we're releasing soon :D


39 118

Hey I'm Mike! Currently working on my Eternal Spirit . This week I'm working on bug fixing the project to get it ready for I've enjoyed doing all of the level design, and

5 14

Hi I'm Paul, Art Director at Axis Animation on cinematics for games like Destiny 2, and previously titles like Murderous Pursuits and Distant Star (which won a Bafta!)

I'm now creating my own game, a gothic RPG called Pale Tides :)

72 571

Hey Ben. A crime reporter before joining the Dragon Age team to wrangle lore. Editor/writer for ME3/Inquisition/Andromeda and the World of Thedas lore books. Now indie game maker (Speed Dating for Ghosts) and a writer for . Planning another weird indie.

26 318

Hey , Here are some things I've worked on during my time in the industry. Started at and now co-founded . My roles have been different and varies from Level Designer, Producer and Programmer.

10 66

Hola ! I'm Mirella and I've been working as a Sound Designer for 5 years now. You can hear my work in some indie games, such as . Currently I'm working at doing weird stuff for

43 243

Let me jump on the fad!

I'm Ryan and I'm a Senior Environment Artist at Insomniac Games

I've been lucky enough to have worked on some really cool games and franchises, like:

Sunset Overdrive
Ratchet and Clank
The Walking Dead
Wolf Among Us

62 772

Oh hey, I’m a UI artist currently working on Halo Infinite. Been in the industry 8 years with previous work on Destiny, Destiny 2, and a handful of Skylanders games.

36 446