Happy Odaiba Digimon day! Unfortunately didnt get to finish anything for today so heres some old stuff that I still like lol

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I should share these here since it's meant to be my SFW Gallery TBH haha

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Happy Digimon Day ~ A little drawing of Juri from Tamers.

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Bueno, para no quedar fuera me he hecho un Heracles Kabuterimon para celebrar el Odiaba Memorial Day 😇

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my tribute for the digi day 🐻

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Happy Odaiba Day! Have a few Gatomon, which I still think is the best Digimon imo XD

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I couldn't really make much for but I did make a new for funsies, BanchoGabumon

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Ah you say? Although I haven't drawn any of the original digis (which is weird cuz I super loved them) here's a really old Flamedramon!~ ^^

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