[he sighed]
Ufufufufu, too much vengeful spirit energy spreading today. mistress.
Be very careful and stay away from those spirits.

0 9

good afternoon, mistress.
i hope your taking good care of yourselves even if your grinding in your games.

0 5

good afternoon, mistress.
the event has started a while ago.
i hope you are all prepared and don't forget to take care.
may the odds be with you.

0 12

Good Afternoon/ Good night for you, Mistress.
time to take care of my friend, Catherine.
i hope you have good ahead of you, ufufufu...

0 11

He sighed and blushed a bit
Your too stubborn for your own good, mistress.
if you really insist....i don't mind...

0 0

right back at you, mistress.
i wish when that time happens, you will smile from that bottom of your heart and i can get to see that smile ~

0 0

He was a bit surprised bu the sudden action she done.
"Mistress... not only the hands but my entire being is tainted..."
He released his hands from your grab and looked at it
"this hands are cold and it's not mean to be hold.."

0 0

He flickers your forehead
shall i indulge you, this time? mistress.

0 0

He gently smiled and a blushed abit.
for that i am thankful, mistress..

0 1

Good Afternoon, Mistress.
Don't forget to take a break from your task, if you are having a hard time. Do remember your presence and existence is important to us.
having you around as manager, is all what i ask for. mistress...
i'll be watching you from a far.

2 22

i just woke up, mistress.
good morning

0 1

Good Morning, Mistress.
Today is a good day to start patrolling.
I hope your day is filled with interesting things.
if your still on ebg, be sure to take a break and rest well afterwards ~

0 4

don't worry, mistress. i have carefully planned everything.

0 1

He was a bit surprised by what she said.
"Mistress, you have a bright future like others.. i am fine with having misfortunes and pain by my side, i had live through it"
He smiled
"But for you, mistress.. you should lived with happiness"

0 1

it's time for me to head back to my mission, mistress.
do take care of yourselves and don't forget to take breaks when needed. I care for your entire existence.. without you... there is no one to amuse me ~

0 8

"Faded Hopes" and "Final Call"
My latest delectably-framed moody Mistresses join y Josie Lee collection at Market Harborough
I love adding props with my Mistress. The juxtaposition of reality and stylised create such a wonderfully surreal space.
Stay well world!

5 7

Oh there’s this new manhua that’s so ~scandalous~. Young master x His father’s fourth mistress. You got that right. HIS FATHER’s fourth mistress. Minguo setting and the shou is an opera actor. I quite like the setting so I bookmarked the novel it’s based on 😌

43 172

Good Morning, Mistress..
i heard there is a new recruit who will be joining the mane team today.
i hope you all welcome him.
ufufufu.. new test subject to make fun with..

0 13

[he smiled and blushes and pats your head]
it's thank to you, mistress.

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