Finally back for a new This time we have a Serratasaur!

This dinosaur has evolved to have a large horn on its head in the form of a serrated blade. When threatened, the Serratasaur will wildly swing their head around in hopes of slashing predators!

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concept i've been floating around in my brain for a couple years at this point: a petsite a la neopets except all the "complex" pet colors/costumes are themed around various horror/monster design aesthetics

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SNOOZE are very rare to find. When in battle, it shoots a sticky slime that puts enemies to sleep after a couple of minutes. Their body is warm and soft, and they often let others use them as a pillow at night.

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I ain't that much of a good drawer, but my is named Dabomba.
A living stick of dynamite with a robotic arm that holds a matchstick. These factory-made monsters have an analog clock timer for a face, and once it reaches 0, it lights itself with the matchstick!

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An unnamed mechanical dinosaur OC.
This creature was repurposed for construction and demolition. Their horns can heat up and cut steel beams with ease.

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Chemechro! The first of this slime creature took the shape of the first thing they saw; a poison warning on a chemical container. They corrode containers to reach the tasty chemicals inside.

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Returning to with some starter evoloutions. These three fakemon adapted secondary types to better help each other in the wild.

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Sometimes I get inspired by palettes! An electric themed deer inspired by fallow deer! a lil late for oops!

palette from here! ->

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Some frog dudes doing what they do, plus a friend.

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Battle Nautilus
A ruthlessly efficient fighter who can disable it's opponents with its venom and leaching. Was for 's monster tornement, but I'm to late.

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its yess
Groups of BELLARINGA love practicing exquisit dances together. As they dance, their metallic bodies toll and chime, making a pleasant melody. Older BELLARINGA are known for their massive size and slow, low-pitched chimes.

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This is no house cat! A Sabretooth Tiger!

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Iron Icksnipp has a super fortified shell! Physical attacks will just bounce off!

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This fearsome creature can turn anything that locks eyes with it for long enough to stone! Some say it is a parasite living inside its petrified host.

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oh yess
It's a miracle how TREEHUGGER managed to avoid extinction, as they're dim-witted, slow and hypersomniac. In the wild, many plants grow on their fur, making wild TREEHUGGER quite distinct from ones born in captivity.

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king worm, king of all the world's worms

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Filled out the whac-a-mole/prairie dogs/whacka from paper mario crytter line for ! I gotta think of some good names for them... [thinking emoji]

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I drew a creature that I made first in Spore

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Matchstick is wild and mischievous! Runs rampant revelling in fiery folly!

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