A little Pregame Special (aka reposts of other pics I've made that I really like) ... (too many hashtags blegh)

2 49

The "T-1000" comic was the final pic of Android 18 I had to do. She might end up being "Girl of the Month" again, or I might get more commissions of her. Who knows what the future shall bring!

16 123

Progression Series! This was a commission. Normally I don't do comics as commissions, but this one had a pretty basic layout, so I made an exception 😆

5 35

Progression Series! Pretty minimal color palette this time, but I like it (this was a commission).

3 34

Four new Raven pics this week with a fifth one coming tomorrow! (and possibly a sixth one Saturday)...

17 138

Progression Series! It's almost like four pictures in one!

2 49

Progression Series! Kind of a big leap from Step 2 to Step 3 lol

6 69

I don't draw White Raven enough. It's a really good look for her...

67 438

Progression Series! This angle is kind of a pain-in-the-butt to draw so I wasn't sure I wanted to do it, but... I think it turned out pretty well.

6 55

I have changed the way I draw her costume... It's mostly the same, but she's not wearing the belt. I guess it's more like the Teen Titans Go outfit now?

32 206