Thoughts for 2020 thanks ⁦

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Naughty & Nice: Simon Bridges says would definitely be on a Xmas nice list, in fact he reckons she would probably be on the cover.

23 68

We're a small society. We need each other. We cannot afford Trump-style politics of ideological tribalism. Nonetheless, that's exactly what Bridges is playing with:

28 98

The stocking stuffer for NZ Media - see the full cartoon in fabulous print in today’s and premium online here 👉

2 22

Polls Apart - the latest polls would see the current coalition collapse after NZ First fail to make the threshold - see the full cartoon in fabulous print in today’s and premium online here 👉

5 16

Free speech. David Seymour and his advocacy for the right to say whatever you like, with impunity.

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Winston Peters - Mushroom Farmer ... see the full cartoon in fabulous print in today’s and online here 👉

4 16

Okaaaay Laaaadieees! You’re now working for free for the rest of the year! And here’s the other bad news, told in interpretive dance.

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The grief of Wisdom Teeth - see the full cartoon in fabulous print in today’s and premium online here 👉

2 19

The Christopher Luxon Launch - my 4 panel cartoon in fabulous print and online premium here 👉

4 16

A teaser from my 4 panel cartoon of the Luxon Launch into politics - in tomorrow’s

3 23

Getting Auckland and Wellington moving again - see the whole cartoon in fabulous print in today’s Weekend Herald and premium online here 👉

3 9

OK, our horse isn’t actually in the ETS, and it’s not a-c-t-u-a-l-l-y a horse. But it’s something to be getting on with...

26 55

Jackson picks up a Foster. My cartoon for today’s and

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Steven Joyce - Fiscal Zoologist ... my cartoon in fabulous print in today’s and premium online here 👉

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