1. My first and oldest OC is Nilto! She started out as a street rat in Stormwind, but has worked her way up to be the Shadowblade she is today.

0 2

Stormwind city RPers active right now on Moon Guard: A few dozen.
Orgrimmar city RPers active right now on Moon Guard: A few (Four.)

Yup. Definitely need to make more cross-faction stuff happen.

0 3

i dont usually draw stuff for but i had an itch this time around. i present one (1) tired king of stormwind getting ready for the day

cw for scars (top surg)

50 134

Alrighty Guys! A Quick full paint of Avialeera, My Alliance Stormwind Orphan Matron!~

13 75

like father, like daughter

very quick doodle of draenei yalean and his daughter, freya. i like to think that they're taking a stroll through stormwind's trade district

6 26

An OC of someone very dear to me, this stringbean scamp can generally be found in Stormwind with her BFF, who is a pig. As in, literally. Her name is Hattie. The girl, not the pig.

1 6

Sooty & Indy met in Stormwind! Sooty caught feelings first; Indy dated him because "why not" & accidentally fell in love, oops! They perform together for Darkmoon & are currently looking to buy a house to settle down. Indy's new favorite thing is feigning marriage proposals 🤭💞

1 13

Have her dress up like this, and go out for a evening date in Dalaran or Stormwind...


1 3

Stormwind - Europe
(Wings Of Tomorrow)

0 1

Not much art lately as I'm quite busy! But I did find time to make concepts for some of my OCs' outfits while waiting to make their models... Here are Lionel and James! Dalthoran's brothers and leaders of the Nameless, a criminal group from Stormwind!

3 21

Her name is Kiyra Oilcrown,
She is a goth-style gnome wandering the streets of Stormwind at night.

I've already said it before... I really love draw gnomes 💜

Comms info veraxnsfw.com

39 188

to combat the negativity that im feeling about [redacted], here's some journey stuff for auruma.

started from the cathedra of Stormwind and then left for a war that changed your life forever and you abandoned the cathedral and basically became a vigilante, now we're here

18 190

...Arthas 2.0...

"My son... the day you were born, the very forests of Stormwind whispered the name, Anduin..."

Today's warm up. Had to draw Evil Anduin when I saw what they did to my boy during the Blizzconline xD

37 168

Ikazu has been having a blast in Stormwind! Language barriers though are still a hurdle. Page 2 to come soon!

3 27

Officer Montague House, reporting for duty! Catch him patrolling Stormwind! (MG)

7 14

Can't exactly move around Stormwind freely as a Scarlet, so Leotha tends to disguise as a mild-mannered perfectly ordinary priestess of the Light when she needs to move through cities.

2 16

You ask him about his day and he just bitches for a solid ten minutes about how the popularization of the Dalaran Portal Network is killing Stormwind’s public transportation industry.

4 26

Next Captain Arthur Bradfords my rp main and the one who keeps me playing! If your on moonguard you may have seen him in stormwind where I bar hop! And generally disturb peace. Love this old Kul Tiran sailor. Not all his art just his Bfa and beyond look!

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