หื้ออออออออออออออ 💕

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Hello friends, it's I'm a UK based freelancer who loves character creation! One day I hope to be a full time concept artist ✨

🌻 https://t.co/O3h6ouL1Ua
✉️ commission_me.com

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네오위즈의 영상제작자이자 DJMAX의 오랜 팬인 SMIN님께서
1주년 기념으로 예쁜 축전을 보내주셨습니다.

SMIN, videographer and longtime fan of
You have sent us a beautiful celebration of the first anniversary of RESPECT.

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중2병 극장판 포토타임 SD 작업중 가장 먼저 완성했던 릿카. 이제 더이상 그릴 일이 없을까 싶기도...

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Design commission for Goron_Melium from FA!! Another first for me: my first catfish. :0 💛

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Thank you so much for this cartoon_me!

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メタモンがイーブイたちに「へんしん」したカプセルトイが、ポケモンセンターに https://t.co/fpS4q47ygp by via

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