Rex has the loudest roar in the land at the best of times, but when he has an itch he cannot reach, his roar is terrifying. Who will be brave and help Rex scratch his itch? 

1 6

When the Panda arrives at the zoo and becomes the star attraction, the Flamingos up their game to be the most beautiful, who wants black and white when you can have COLOUR?

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Animal Sounds! A concept board book which explores how different animals communicate, interact, and have all kinds of fun adventures at the farm. Final art will be created in felt.

3 7

Faraway from the humans in the deep Bay of Bengal lives Maya and her friends from the Indian ocean. But the trash the humans throw into the water hurts Maya and her friends. Can she warn the humans about pollution and save her friends?

10 7

5 yr old Liam is determined to create the last perfect Father's Day present for his terminally ill dad. He finds a treasure chest and makes it 100% perfect. But Father's Day morning the chest breaks! Liam refuses to give his amazing dad a broken present. He must fix it.

4 7

Fraidy Sadie: A lyrical story about a day in the life of Sadie, a cat who is afraid of everything! With the love of her supportive family and friends, Sadie learns to overcome her fears (except for prickly bugs).

3 10

Grizzly isn’t afraid of anything...until the unfamiliar sound of music greets her ears. Is it the moan of a waking monster? The growl of a hungry beast? She must summon her bravery to satisfy her own grumbling tummy.

(Based on GBDFA music mnemonic)

1 3

Fay Flannery has sprinkles of freckles across her body like a sky full of stars. After a boy tries to wipe her freckles away, Fay must confront her Irish heritage and the bully who teased her.

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A young girl plants a seed and hopes to grow a flower. She follows it from seed to bloom to fading flower and back to seed. Wonder, joy, loss and anticipation from the power of nature. Warm and nature loving PB MOM, THE FLOWER, AND ME 

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Hank lives alone. He likes it that way. But today the sea is buzzing with an unusual energy that Hank CAN’T stand. How will he rid himself of these pesky creatures? I mean, that IS what he wants... isn’t it?

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Good morning, author and author-illustrators. If I ❤️ your pitch, AND you think we'd make a great fit, please send your project my way using this link:

Thanks! 😊

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Jimmy’s being ignored by the kids at camp. Well he THINKS he is. Full of self doubt, he wanders off and befriends a very strange pumpkin. Now Jimmy’s on a quest to reunite the pumpkin with its patch, but facing his insecurity is the only way he’ll find true friendship.

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While on a trip to the beach with her Bubbie, Ella Kvellephant learns about a unique lost treasure; the Yiddish language. As a pirate enthusiast, Ella will do whatever it takes to ensure that this special treasure doesn’t stay lost for long!

3 7

Delmara’s long hair is always in her face and getting tangled in the coral. She tries a few inventive hair styles but nothing seems quite right. Mermaids always have long hair. If she takes a risk and cuts it, will her friends accept her? Will she lose her magic?

3 2

MARY CASSATT: The Art of Parenting, How her Own Mother Inspired her Art - A famous artist who loved to paint children, Mary Cassatt loved and admired her mama, Katherine Cassatt. Could Mary’s success have been inspired by her mother’s strong, loving support?

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THE STARRY STREAM: Can’t sleep? Take a ride on the Bedtime Boat, rolling through rainbow tunnels and twisting around jungles of dreams. Packed with adventure for the restless, and comfort for those who just want to snuggle!

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There’s magic to catch!
At least for a spell...
Two siblings set off to find real magic in their backyard. But when they finally find and capture the “flying fire” they will need to decide if it’s best to let fire fly free.

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Legend of Le Loi, 15th cent. king who freed Vietnam. He receives magic sword from Dragon King, grows to enormous height & leads army to victory. Then, Gold Turtle - messenger from the Dragon King - appears to retrieve sword.

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When a heatwave hits on Christmas Eve, an otter races to save the snow on his roof to ensure a safe landing for Santa. If he fails, the otter will face a sacrifice to save Christmas.

10 6

Ella just wants some fish for dinner but instead ends up catching a giant! If the unlikely pair can work together then maybe they can help save the town and find all of the missing fish.

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