Contact コンタクト (Nintendo DS) Concept art by Atsuko Fukushima character designs of the PoPoLoCRoIS.

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Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale has just cropped up on

13 33

Return to PopoloCrois ya tiene fecha de salida

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It's official, everyone! Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale is launching in NA on March 1!

69 92

What's that, STORY OF SEASONS fans? You want more? Introducing, Return to PopoloCrois: A STORY OF SEASONS Fairytale!

136 132

ポポロクロイス新作が楽しみすぎてピエトロ王子描いてしまった(´ω` )♪

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