"PROUST Illustration"
mixed technique
"PROUST was a French novelist, essayist and critic, best known as the author of "À la recherche du temps perdu".
BOZOKY, Maria was not only well known as a painter, but was an equally known and respected art critic and writer.

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“Always try to keep a patch of sky above your life.”
Marcel Proust

🎨Uri Dushy
Israelian artist
"The prophet" 2006

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"Soyons reconnaissants aux personnes qui nous donnent du bonheur, elles sont les charmants jardiniers par qui nos âmes sont fleuries..."
Les Plaisirs et les Jours, 1896.

Marcel Proust (1871-1922).

Evelyn Nesbit...

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"Reading is that fruitful miracle of a communication in the midst of solitude"

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Mon cher petit:

—Marcel Proust fait la connaissance de Lucien Daudet le novembre 1895, plus tard lui dédicacera Sodome et Gomorrhe II

*img c 1894 (à droite) regarde (assis), avec (à gauche)

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With thanks🌹

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
- Marcel Proust

Painting Thomas Kinkade, Gazebo of Prayer

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トワレもPROUST EFFECTもすこ…好きでしょ

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🌟 CONFÉRENCE - Les Magical Girls 🌟
Le samedi 27 Avril à 20h30, Julie Proust-Tanguy nous fait l’immense plaisir de revenir pour une deuxième soirée conférence au Renard Doré !
Pour s’inscrire :

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...すきだよ(突然のPROUST EFFECT)

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Chicken a la Proust...

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PROUST EFFECTを聴きながら泣きながら描いたしきちゃん

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忘れないうちラフだけさっと書いたけど、PROUST EFFECT好きだよってこれかこれ以上に強く見えた(印象としてはね)


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Charles Haas (1833-1902), depicted on the far right in "The Circle of the Rue Royale" (1868), inspired the character of Charles Swann in Marcel Proust’s seven-volume novel, "In Search of Lost Time (1913–1927)."

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Un uomo che dorme tiene intorno a sé, in cerchio, il filo delle ore, gli ordini degli anni e dei mondi.
M. Proust
H. THOMA🇩🇪 " Mother& Sister" Reading Bible 🖌️1866🌙☘️

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“Se sognare un poco é pericoloso, la sua cura non é sognare meno ma sognare di più, sognare tutto il tempo.”

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