howdy, I'm ATS and I have an arm injury right now but I draw sometimes

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I'm a longtime artist but new to sharing!😬I explore a lot of topics and mediums but my favorite tool is color!

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Here's some of my stuff, going from recent to not as recent/ semi recent, and thanks for doing this man, it's really awesome you

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Hi! I do fanart of many things and I also make drawings of my OCs, take a look!

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Thank you for this!

I'm KiFe and I make digital illustrations in an anime-like style and write light novels for kindle! I draw my OCs a lot but i also do quite a bit of fanart! Here's some of my works!

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I draw a lot of Mega Man stuff, mainly my own Robot Masters, but I also draw other things too

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Ayeee thanks for the opportunity!
I'm Gast, I draw and animate sometimes too!

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Thanks so much for this thread ! If you like scifi, robots or cute girls then I've got just the thing for you ! Give a follow to all the cool people on this thread too !

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haven't been drawing in a while bc of worl but i'll come back


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Thanks for this! Some of my faves from this year so far!

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Thank you for the opportunity👍❤️❤️❤️
Here are my favorite drawings in this 2020⭐

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Only drew Super Sonic on the second one.

I reaaaally need to start drawing more,

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These are some of things I’m proudest of from this year 🤗

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