¡Os recordamos que comienzan las esperadas Rastros de sangre y Genkaku Picasso. ¡Y vuelve Given!

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«Cada vegada que dibuixo un home, penso, sense voler, en el meu pare (...) Per a mi, l’home és don José i serà així tota la meva vida», va confessar Aquí teniu més detalls del pare de l'artista: 🖌️ https://t.co/pG0zajVzyo

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Diagram of Piccadilly Circus Station (1928) by Renzo Picasso. Image from the Renzo Picasso Archive https://t.co/LAPYYE6fVa

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My picture 1937 artwork "La Conversation" oil on canvas painting, by artist Dora Maar. A glimpse into Maar deeply rooted feelings addressing the nature of her relationship with Marrie-Thérěse Walter & her lover artist Pablo Picasso. At solo show Modern London

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My Latest Painting: Back Flip Picasso, acrylic on canvas 20" x 20". This painting is an homage to Pablo Picasso...I had fun painting this one and I chose a summery color palette of bright colors.

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衝撃を受けた小林永濯『道真天拝山祈祷の図』と天才奇才ピカソへのオマージュ。未完成休憩中。Not completed yet.I was impressed by the picture drawn by EITAKU KOBAYASHI.『DOUSHIN TENPAIZAN KITO-NOZU』And a tribute to Picasso.This picture is still on the way.

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Pablo Picasso.

La Joie de Vivre. 1946.

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The earth, "painted" by an AI in the style of a Picasso. This piece was created by a NightCafe Creator user using one of the preset styles.

Try it yourself - https://t.co/o2WtA4OTo1

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NOVETAT - Avui el Pdv està de festa i es tenyeix de blau. Raül Garrigasait recupera el conte 'El pati blau' de Santiago Rusiñol, publicat a 'Fulls de vida' el 1898 i que influencià l'època blava de Picasso. Una joia! https://t.co/omXDr6lVgd

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衝撃を受けた小林永濯『道真天拝山祈祷の図』と天才奇才ピカソへのオマージュ。途中休憩中。I was impressed by the picture drawn by EITAKU KOBAYASHI.『DOUSHIN TENPAIZAN KITO-NOZU』And a tribute to Picasso.This picture is still on the way. It is during a break.

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a través de la lente de

Medalla de Oro Robert Capa-1967,
con motivo del 50 aniversario del Museu Picasso, Duncan donó 161 fotografías de su obra con Picasso.

📷 1957

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もはや「ラス・メニナス」はピカソそのものの作品、自身も犬好きとあって飼っていた ダックスフントを描いたような感じです。

Las Meninas. Pablo Picasso. 1957年制作
Museo Picasso ーBarcelona

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ピカソが休暇で訪れたフランスのカンヌで描いた作品。バルコニー 鳩だらけですね。しかもダンスしているかの様に見えます。

Pablo Picasso. 1957年9月6ー14日
Museo Picasso ーBarcelona

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①は 銅版画

見慣れない雰囲気ですが、 母親と遊ぶ子供達はアジア風に見えます。

Pablo Picasso. 1946ー1954年
Museo Picasso ーBarcelona

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中でも一番気に入っているデッサン画、 父親を描いています。描き直しせず描いた感じ。18歳の作品になります。

Pablo Picasso. 1899年
Museo Picasso ーBarcelona

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Dur de choisir ! 😭
Du coup, trois :
Saint Jérôme dans son étude, d'Antonello de Messine.
La vie, de Picasso.
L'Ecole d'Athènes, de Raphaël.

Et après je pense à tant et tant d'autres, raaah ! C'est trop compliqué ! 😂

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