I discovered the other day and I just had to play around with a couple more "ditto-faced" Pokémon... Aren't they just adorable?

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thinking about pokémon...💭

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Day 28 of the Pokémon pokedex challenge and it is the scariest Pokémon. I drew Parasect. It's Pokedex entry states: "A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug." It's a zombie Pokémon...yikes. Enjoy!

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misunderstood edgy nightmare pokémon... love it

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Day 2 - Fav Psychic Type - Shiny Gardevoir

Gardevoir is SUCH a pretty Pokémon.... ugh! Getting the blue/teal colors right for her shiny was a challenge, but I think I managed to pull it off!

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Pokémon... or Earthbound?!

(Artist: あつみ (2017): https://t.co/35kSy9gub3)

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Y'all I wanted to celebrate but I realized we have only CRAB, CRAYFISH and SHRIMP Pokémon... can you believe that?? 🦀

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Nothing more accurately resembles the feeling of getting your first Pokémon...

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Pokémon... in Space?!

(By コズミックスペース. https://t.co/g4R0mzWx41)

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Faire des œufs pour chercher un chromatique (ou des bonnes stats), ça peut vous faire mettre de côté des beaucoup de Pokémon !

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Je me suis toujours demandé qui est cette fille dans le générique de Pokémon.... Et je sais toujours pas.

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Je devais faire Oratoria mais je suis tomber sous le charme de ce Pokémon... Il est trop cute !

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Ah nan mais la il est trop chou il me le faut *j'avais dis stop aux peluches Pokémon...*

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Au commencement des jeux vidéo Pokémon...

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I...can't resist sketching the new This time it's one of the new starters of

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Plein de Méga-#Pokémon... mais toujours pas de Mega-Canarticho ! RT si vous le voudriez !

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