Trying out a new app and pen - first ever drawing! Am delighted to celebrate it with a doodle of Bob Ross because he's lovely!

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I quite enjoyed this one... though I’m hearing the noise in my head!

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Like this quick doodle it’s a bit loud...”I said, have you been away this year Mr Scissorhands?”

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I think the dog is a bit tired of the fox

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This is very hard. The wife, who works with reception age children showed me where I went wrong but it’s so hard to unlearn. A Rembrandt self portrait...

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Aha. When you said Monday’s I thought you meant Garfield. So therefore this little critter is the lasagne loving tabby cat of velvet worms

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This doodle has run away from itself...#RAdailydoodle

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Urk. I can’t believe you made me look so closely at this thing.

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Reading corner. There is always a cat

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