Dativo has gone through a lot since i first got him huh. He wasn't always a protagonist but he was always a big focus of all story drafts he was in.

Bonus image for most recent doodle and most recent completed piece.

2 6

but sorry its actually the villain haha

I just really like Kaede's design


2 4

Castian and Varis are both the hero of my story, depends on which arc were talking about.
Varis 2015 -> 2021
Castian 2016 ->2021

2 6

A COOL TREND?? HI this is my mc from my webtoon “Grapes for Sale”

I haven’t drawn her in a finished piece by herself in a while sorry
( “i _ i )

also I’m..not sure if that’s the first drawing of her or not, there’s a ton in old sketchbooks

1 5

2004 > 2020
Yeah, everything improved (his hair! 😱)

0 1

2012 VS 2020. Originating in 2006 This character and his friends have underwent tremendous change over the years. In the beginning he was an Elder Scrolls fanfic OC who transitioned into something more original. He has been my flagship character for many years.

3 19


faye went from being a nuzlocke protagonist to a normal protagonist. otherwise she's pretty much the same fdjghg

lusca on the other hand went from being a friendly mudkip to an irritable librarian.

first pic: 2011
second pic: 2021

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The very first drawing of your main character vs the most recent drawing of them!


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The drawing that started it all

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Yevelda my lovely lass! Sweet as a peach with the power of 100 men. Seriously I did her dirty back then. Luckily I learned how to draw fat characters correctly and now look at her. Fucking Gorgeous!
2019--> 2021

5 18

Emrys was such a typical dark elf character at the time. Now he's so much more defined and he looks wayyyyyy cuter now. Especially his hair style! Love this gentle forest druid!

1 4

Alot of the old designs of my ocs for The Warlock can be summed up in AAHH A WHITE PERSON! And Adrian was the worst contender for that along with his sister. Anywho he looks way better now. Also he became a mean gay.

1 3

Tera went from your typical Red Tiefling to "Please Fucking Step Onn Me Ma'm" ANd I love that for her. I learned how to draw muscles and she became UNSTOPPABLE. God damn! An absolute BEAST and I love her.
2018--> 2021

1 4

Lily... my girl my love I adore her. But Damn did I do her dirty back then. An absolute queen now but then she looked GOOFY! Also back then I made her skinny now she had my body type and it makes me happy!

1 4

Aaron next and, my boy looks so much BETTER NOW! He still short but now he's a short KING! He went from "hello sir how are you" to "Your son calls me daddy."

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Wow its been 12 years already ✨ Kapena -previously Moyashi- started as an RP character on a forum back in 2010 and eventually she became the lead in her own story of self discovery.

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2017 ➟ 2021

Keys was a concept I came up with for a Shounen Jump international manga contest and despite having other story ideas, it was the first time I attempted to actually create a comic. Re-visiting it as a Webtoon has been incredible.

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ahh this is so fun! Leuce's color palette has slowly transformed to be more vibrant but I like to think that her unnatural gold haircolor is just part of her paladin-ness. (I also got better at painting the POOF)
2019 -> 2021 https://t.co/slV496NnFN

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