4 personagens que amo com a letra J:
Jackie Chan, Jinbe, Jiraya, Jhin
(foi difícil lembrar 4 que eu realmente gosto com J) https://t.co/MmBZ7U1rp7

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Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera⁣
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 🎉🎊 ⁣

Ini sedikit tips untuk menjaga berat badan, walaupun kita masih beraya, penjagaan berat badan harus dijaga terutama untuk kaum wanita 😊👍🏻⁣
Amalkan hidup yang sihat ketika Hari Raya Aidilfitri 🎊🎉⁣

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All purplish pink this raya. Selamat hari raya, gengs.

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Selamat raya, semoga kesehatan dan keberkahan selalu dilimpahkan kepada kita

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Hai guys👋 aku open jasa gambar digital mulai dari 20k. Bisa untuk ucapan Hari Raya, ucapan Kelulusan, ucapan Pernikahan dan ucapan lainnya.

Ketentuan dan contoh ada di postingan akun ini. Thanks^^

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This is Raya, the sun goddess. ☀️She's why I came up with this idea in the first place

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I don’t have much of my art on my phone but here’s 3 from me! Names in order are Raya, Snow and Felt!

(Obviously the pokemon team doesnt matter for Snow haha)

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Thanks for the thread! I'm araya, I'm half thai and always trying too improve! 😤😤

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💰japanese bobtail cat by @/skullraya, USD offers only, no trades. minimum offer is 30, can haggle. (comes with art by @/houndsteeth)

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Oyi wes yo rek, ayo beberapa hari saja dirumah kalau tidak berkepentingan, pesan ini untuk semua masyarakat malang raya, tanpa terkecuali

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Le tome 42 de Naruto est une masterclass absolument lunaire, tout ce qu'il s'y passe est mémorable, la mort de Jiraya, Minato et Kushina, les révélations sur Madara et le début du combat Sasuke vs Itachi, que de la masterclass pour un arc lunaire, et avec une couv magnifique

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Voici quelques anciens de mes dessins avec Jiraya, le meilleur perso 💕🐸

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Kalau taknak pening pening time puasa nanti sebab cari baju raya, korang dah boleh beli sekarang! Time puasa dah boleh fokus beribadah je. Lega sikit kan? Hati pun tenang tak payah fikir size habis lah warna fav habis lah. Nah ni I tunjuk baju raya yang patut korang ada!


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Tysm Ridley!! 💜💜
I'm Raya, pansexual as heck! I'm primarily a digital artist but I also work in traditional mediums! My art also features mostly LGBT+ and POC.

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It's ! I'm Raya, a mexican illustrator and visual development artist.

I have worked as bg artist for animated shows and as art supervisor for mobile games.

I am searching for any work opportunity or freelance this year ✨

🌿 skull.raya.com

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Brandon's family:
Rosalía and Gretchen, mothers
Older brother Aaron
Middle sister Soraya, Fairy of Harmony
Youngest sisters Dorothea and Florencia

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Happy Holidays to you Raya, Sonatine and the kitties!

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Com uma animação insana, mais imagens promocionais do episódio 135 mostram Urashiki sem os olhos, Jiraya, Sasuke usando o Mangekyō Sharingan e Naruto com o chakra do Kurama! (📸: Cho-Animedia)

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Sou a Kuraya, atualmente ando tendo artblock mas quanto to inspirada amo fazer personagens com um estilo mais ousado ou desenhar outros artistas na qual admiro mesmo~♡ E esses dois aqui são meus melhores amigos do coração com ótimas artes para mostrar!

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