What do you think was the point of including Marley in this scene? It seems during that time neither the prison nor a captain of dragoons would have employed a mentally challenged person as an orderly.

1 15

Do you think that Sir Fletcher would have stopped Randall from torturing Jamie if he had known, as Claire thought?

0 8

Do you think you would have had the presence of mind to think that a person being tortured would be in a dungeon in the levels below?

0 10

If you had just one small box of personal effects, what would be in it?

0 18

Do you think it was already too late for Claire to leave Jamie by the time she even met Gellis?

0 10

Given that she knows he's such a liar, why do you think Claire believed anything he said? Would you?

1 7

Do you think Dougal would've made a good husband to Claire?

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Do you believe Dougal was truly grieved at the prospect of Jamie's hanging?

0 6

Could you sing for your supper? Or would folks rather you didn't?

1 9

Would you like to have such a taciturn friend as Murtagh?

1 23

Would you mind giving up modern communications such as the phone, computers, etc?

0 22

Did it seems strange that Claire waited so long to give her advice about planting potatoes? I mean, they were planning to leave the day Jenny went into labor....

0 3

What did you think/feel of the "justice" meted out to McNab?

0 3

In a pinch, which Fraser would you rather have helping you out? Jenny or Jamie?

1 5

Were you surprised at Jenny's skills in tracking & making camp?

0 8

Are you any good at bearing pain? Would you rather have pain yourself or watch someone else suffering?

0 9

Why do you think Geillis told Jamie Claire was "barren?" How could she even think she knew such a thing?

1 5

How do you think you'd do as a midwife? (to either people or animals?)

0 10

Ever witnessed birth firsthand? Human or animal?

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Please join us tomorrow, Sunday evening, at 6pm PT, 9pm ET for This week, chapters 32-33

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