recalled coolpop ad

0 18

I was going to vote for OCP but my ED-209 was recalled so now I’m not sure.

0 4

I was considering not posting this due to potential controversy. Its just I recalled that having a mermaid, in Hololive CNs Doris and the introduction of
being a Shark, this was intentionally more of something akin to the Watame Botan memes

0 3

Just recalled the time Dan DiDio proclaimed how much he hated the weekly series "52" (one of my favorite series) and said the series "Countdown" would be "52 done right" and ended up being one of the most hated event tie in series DC comics ever published.

Glad he's gone from DC

0 4

In his autobiography, Munnings recalled how “Each start was a fresh picture for me, as they have been, meeting after meeting, year after year.”

Browse cards and gifts online:

4 12

Sometimes its important to remember things, the mind recalling whats needed to be recalled is as simple as the mind knowing to ignore what its recalling. Remember to forget to remember whats done and knowing what is, that is, my words to what is known. Gehehehe

49 250

Recalled a game where me and the other player wordlessly agreed to reach the position in pic 1, and then mutually agreed to enjoy a dancing equestrian show in pic 2.

Time flagged, never saw them again.

This game can be good, sometimes.

16 100

Recalled Firework: "The Custard Korky" should not be returned to once lit. Or just in general.

2 6

Day 4 - 11 am

They recalled memories from GYU 13. Shade kisses Fine on the forehead and praising her for always doing well.

Writer: 蜡笔 (CN) Thu(VN)

1 10

My piece for the art gallery! "The Summers of the childhood"
The forests felt so huge and like I was in the adventures, as I recalled stories, fairytales and Myths. Hoping I would meet those.

4 14

Day 2- 6 pm

Fine's hat was blown away, they chased the hat and unconsciously run to a dune. Shade recalled the memory of Fine rescued the wonder plant.

Writer: 青悠(CN)Yukineko(VN)


2 10

They recalled what happened around the disciples with pleasure.

1 6

is it real?? APH S7? I recalled to life!

0 1

I just recalled i used to play ponyville with this one avatar called Shaman.
"Scary" looking ingame i suppouse but people described him as a cinnamon roll regardless

0 2

Like many before her Luna also simps Kae I recalled seeing Kae in an altered outfit awhile back so requested that with pony tail to see how it came out xD

14 159

Then I recalled an early favourite of mine from artist j8d ( And hey, maybe I could do something like that.

Taking inspiration from that, and "walking" scenes from the show, I created the poster I have for you here today.

5 20

Since I decided to reveal that one old ass rendition of Cad in my post, I recalled I drew all the M9 in a WILDLY different style when I first started watching. My friend and I talked about Molly (cause I was coping) and talked about what if he got picked up by bandits?

5 24

It's 30 years today since the release of one of Merseyside's most seminal records.

In Issue 109, recalled a chance meeting with the album's celebrated genius.

1 8

Bullies making your life stink? Unable to defend yourself?
Send them packing with Back-Attack®!

Just One Spray and Attackers Run Away!

WARNING: Back-Attack is not federally approved and should only be used as instructed. Product may be recalled in your area.

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