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Parfum de la Rose
Rosa, ó pura contradição, prazer
de ser o sono de ninguém sob tantas
-Rainer Maria Rilke
- Chapeau, de MartheCollot
È l’animale, tutto, nello sguardo
vólto all’Aperto:
fuori delTempo, nello spazio immenso
Ma gliOcchi abbiamo, noi, come
e tesi,/a imprigionare
il suo libero passo
Lo spazio immenso, che trascende ilTempo
solo riflesso dal suo volto/
si svela aNoi
Ai sospiri dell'amata
La notte intera si innalza
Una carezza leggera
Percorre il cielo stupito
Edmund Dulak
@giuseppenotarn1 @paolape59 @opissochiara1 @GiaccardiChiara @Natalia54967926
festa di colori liberi di combinarsi fra loro.
🎨Still Life with apples and oranges 1895
Love consists of this: two solitudes that meet, protect and greet each other. ~Rainer Maria Rilke
© Kim Otto
The only journey is the one within...
#RainerMariaRilke #MaxfieldParrish
“Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave.” -Rainer Maria Rilke
Disegno per copertina L'#Illuminista 46 #UniversitàLaSapienza: #Bontempelli e #RealismoMagico.Bontempelli+Joyce,Jacob,Malraux,Alvaro e Rilke
Yo creo, como Rilke, que nuestra única patria es la infancia. Pero ésta de Rick también mola ;-)
-¿Cuál es su nacionalidad?
-Soy borracho.
'Creek', spring around the corner in Yukon. Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. Rainer Maria Rilke. #Yukon
"The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens."
- Rainer Maria Rilke
#Art: Ewa Proncziuk-Kuziak
Ask yourself in the stillest hour of the night: Must I write?
Rainer Maria Rilke
#writing #writerslife #writersBlock
"And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been." Rainer Maria #rilke #wishesfor2017 #love
"I want to be with those who know secret things or else alone." - Rainer Maria Rilke
our heart always transcends us
#goodnight lovelies
#rainermariarilke for all above become your Suns,
full and glowing,turning round you.
But in you is already begun what will outlast the Suns
and I'm so deep that I see no end
and no distance -
all became affinity
and all affinity turns into stone
Foto @adnz_
#MondoDiVersi Rilke
La solitudine è come la pioggia.
Si alza dal mare verso sera;
dalle pianure lontane, distanti,
sale verso il cielo