Nah, deplatform them. This isn't a "separate sides but equal" kind of thing, this is one side actually inciting sedition and treason and the other saying "hey maybe don't do that"

0 0

calls for the withdrawal of charges against from On Jan 24, he shared a cartoon for which he was threatened under the Sedition Act. He has also faced these threats in the past. Read more here:

1 4

📢 [CARTOONIST ALERT] CFP is concerned about the call for prosecution under the Sedition Act against the cartoonist (#Malaysia), for a cartoon he published on his Facebook page. Read our alert :

8 27


🔥 Rand Paul has 👉taken—offense

🔥#JoeBiden’s speech made him feel 👉tense

🔥Joe said 👉racists &-lies—harmed democracy

🔥#RandPaul said—-Hey-wait!—Joe’s talkin’ about me

(😷 be good & safe - all)

19 32

Forgot about this one from May. These seditionists weren’t hiding their violent intentions

71 212

"Hai votato con coscienza?"
"Certo che no. L'ho venduta anni fa."
(Repubblicani che non hanno votato per l'impeachment)

5 7

Have you seen the new mug? These bastards have got to go. Mad Dog is exposing the elephant! and also

19 44

"Almeno lo hanno bandito da Twitter!"
(avrebbero dovuto farlo PRIMA dell'attacco al Congresso)

6 6

Thanks Allan. The New York Rat started 😎

Please Vet, Follow, Like, Reply, & Retweet other Resisters to make their voices stronger.

Fact: Trump lost, he lies & hate speech incited sedition
Hey he still has not offered or acknowledged the crisis

8 12