You got this. ❤️

All My Best,
(You Can Do All Things)

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Please treat yourself real, real nicely today. You absolutely deserve it, no matter what your mind may tell you otherwise. ♥

All My Best,
(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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Rather than trying to pour from an empty cup, fill your cup so high that it overflows onto others.

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Hey, thanks for sticking it out. It's good that you're here, even if today's stresses require potato time. You're good as a potato, too.

All My Best,
Kate ❤️

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Woman In Bathtub with Wine Bubble Bath Time sublimation clipart set by I365art -

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(Please indulge me I am having a gender crisis lmfao)

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Self-care is a repetitive message in art but a very important one. The need to survive, slave & save has many people neglecting self.

Material Girls as a concept & in this context, is an invitation to indulge in more selfcare rituals - simple or grand.

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It's better that you're here, I promise. You deserve to see all the good that's coming. ♥

All My Best,
(Kate Allan), author of It's Your Weirdness that Makes You Wonderful

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Oh Steve, you're so cheeky, and yet so, so wise.
Today, Steve the llamacorn would like me to remind you that other people's problems are not yours to solve (and that he has a cute butt!) 💜

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Here's a reminder that it's time to take a break :)

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I made this as a shirt in my store, pls remember to eat well with things that are good for your body,

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In this very moment, undistracted by regretting the past, or stressing about the future, give yourself your undivided attention, return to yourself, let everything else be. ~

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Taking care of Amaru = taking care of yourself!

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What's your Autumn self-care gonna look like?
I'm thinking walking in the woods in a snuggly hat and hot chocolate with LOTS of marshmallows... yum! ❤️

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