CW: Abuse point.
Body language says it all.
Seth trembles, the leader all feared is flinching.
The confident pose in Osiris is evident, he knows what he's weaved in Seth.
Abuse, lies, and a shaken core all lead to Seth's PTSD, which feeds Osiris' power.

0 25

Let's start here, we meet Seth, a god seemingly fearless.
Osiris shows up, look at the sudden change in Seth's face.
The angry, controlled, "you know I can, have, and will break you" look on Osiris' face.
This was my first sign, something is wrong.

0 25

Drawn by the lovely ! 12.10.21 marks the end of Horus's journey to Seth.. Thank you for accompanying Horus around the world, and thank you ! 's journey must end, but Horus and Seth's journey is just beginning. Farewell! 💙❤️

88 423

ENNEAD season 2 spoilers//

Observing how naturally Seth fights back against Osiris - and even his healing - is so satisfying! Try as he might, Osiris will never kill Seth's bravery, courage and fighting spirit!

45 351

The way Osiris just EFFORTLESSLY grabs Seth's hand while Seth is literally coming at him in full force.. 🤌

0 5

I expect Osiris to heal all of Seth's wounds or else...

18 118

With Seth's willingness to do anything to save Anubis during his final ruling, I wonder how much love he showered Horus with whilst thinking that Horus was his hurt son. He was so drunk and vulnerable then too. 😭 And Horus even goes from skin and bones to wearing gold jewelry...

19 206

Osiris stays calm even when witnessing Seth's love for Anubis because he KNOWS he'll ultimately get what he wants, and he just uses Seth's love to his advantage anyways. But with Horus, he's explosive and gets jealous since he doesn't plan ahead, and loves so earnestly.( ;´ - `;)

49 388

I would like to bring attention to Seth's size as well.
Seth's height in comparison to me \/

70 409

So In his god/Crowned prince of Hermopolis form,I gave Amun tatoos on his arms,a double feather crown(which kinda looks like rabbit ears)& Seth's headdress accessory oh his back.He wanted to keep Seth unforgotten

3 45

It breaks my heart to see that Anubis used to be able to just... pull off Seth's headpiece and that Seth MADE one out of sand for him, despite all the connotations of it.இ‸இ Nothing is too good for his son in his eyes, not even an accessory that represents a god's pride!

85 490

I'd say countless years of trying to get Seth's attention unsuccessfully played a part in it

But this panel indicates that he experienced a massive crisis/heartbreak before. Wish we knew the context.

1 19

Osiris knew back then actually. He lashed out at seth and cleansed him of Horus' "seed" as soon as he saw the marks his son left on his beloved Seth's body

14 130

📝 Ennead (Kr)

Hundreds of years ago, Keuntamen has seen Seth's bare face and for that crime, Osiris had him killed.

60 394

ENNEAD season 2 spoilers//

So much has happened in the last few chapters, but seeing him make such Seth-typical expressions makes me happy. Seth's suffered so much, but he's got a fighting spirit and character that always bounces back! He will never go down easily! (ง •̀_•́)ง

89 575

Seth's impulsive reaction to Anubis being held hostage in the 3rd trial may be due to how tired he is of others taking advantage of his love for his son. But nonetheless, Anubis' life will always matter, and Seth will fall for tricks as many times as it takes to keep him safe.😢

43 262

>Sseth's Highfleet review

0 25

what's seth's hottest panel and why is it this one

8 75

Reality hit that this is the only time franz has been shown in media (Seth's meet the heroes page to be precise)

I want franz in feh so badly

1 1

Conversations between Seth and young Attarani during Seth's Era be like
"My lord,you should stop doing these, the people, our people, they're dy-"
"Why are you caring a lot about mortals?"
Aren't you aware that I'm a mortal too-"


2 11