Funny how that suddenly happened when Risotto was just about to go over Prosciutto’s spending habits-

Pros does that old trick a lot. Mainly for distraction but also to get out of awkward/unwanted conversations. He does forgot to age himself sometimes.

16 62

Some danger water noodle, WaterMelone if you will. Melone in the Mer AU that I just wanted to draw.

10 57

Meu Tubarão-Rei ou Nanaue para o de ontem.

1 34

Я это нарисовала в прокриейт это такой кайф

2 9

Gelato and Melone on a mission. Don’t see them interacting much with fanart. Gelato and/or Sorbet are probably good at sniping. Melone is there to hack.

23 93



10 10



14 13



10 10

Silly little idea I might not go with. Prosciutto needing glasses but refuses to acknowledge needing aid like that. Risotto is quick to notice.

57 168

сквадрики за работой!! преканон
прошутто высовывает язык
гьяччо материт бумажки и ломает ручки
сорбелаты переплетаются в неведомые позы и лежат
формаджио делает вид что работает а на деле сюсюкает котика
мелоне дурачится в позе великого мыслителя

23 81

This tag ↓ kinda forced me to draw him again 😂


4 18




12 13

Omg Melone tag as well!! 😍😍😍
メローネタグもあった!!ありがたや!! これから巡回してきます!


4 25

Melone. In an alt outfit.

12 60

When the new recruit messes up and you gotta step in and do all the work.

Prosciutto my beloved. I’m sure he’s yelled at lots of recruits. Everyone gets an earful from the Judgement Express. He messed up when he first started but that’s unrelated you see-

25 91

L'impianto dei primi tondi rinascimentali era sostanzialmente quello di un dipinto squadrato, come in questa Madonna con Bambino di Filippino Lippi del 1452. Le forme non si adattavano come poi farà un'evoluzione successiva dettata da Botticelli o da Raffaello.

0 0

E essa arte aí de Paru Itagaki (criador do mangá/ anime Beastars) para divulgar o lançamento do filme O Esquadrão Suicida no Japão.


1 2

Not really ship art. More continuing the roommate co living thing with la Squadra. Melone the thief. Prosciutto the victim. But maybe it was never about the fries- (Please help Risotto)

34 111