My main cast (Bibi/Bingbing + Wilder/TNTsheep21 + Tiara) in a Sr Pelo style cuz y not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

0 6

Some Kevin doodles I made awhile ago

11 88

Para esto estuve haciendo bocetos, hasta se me hace que van a ser mas populares que este XD

6 39

every time I see arts or edits with them, I feel good and pleasant☺️ 🦇❤️🍬

117 1132

Clare:in fact, my brother and I love and appreciate you very much, Jeje
Jerald:..Whatever.. (IS IT TRUE?!?!🥺😭)
У меня по правде нет оправданий

0 3

Дудлы мои дудлы
Я не привыкла к вайтборду
Damn white board

0 8

Shotgun man and Captain art dump bc I am unwell (real)

4 10