😺we can make it if we try;)😺

11 45

Tagged by

Post 4 fictional characters that mean the world to you and tag 4 others to do the same

(Robert) - OC ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
(Peter) Peters colour adventure
(warden) Superjail
(Christopher) Oc <3 ⭐️

0 7

ash from superjail is a VERY longtime f/o (and kinnie)

0 2

if you simped for warden from superjail in 2010s you have 100% chance of simping for ancap now. Also I diagnose you with shit taste in men. You don't even like men you just love making fun of them. You're a lesbian I guess or whatever they call that idk lmao

0 7

So and me where doing an Art Trade and she wanted me to draw Jared from Superjail, now he was a giant forehead which reminded of Doug Dimmadone so I was like “Might’ve well combine it”

1 1

Remembering this show and how obsessed I used to be with it

22 51

A TikToker insisted that I draw Superjail Warden in the Loud House style, so fuck it

1 4

The Warden but different variants plus an edgy one. They all edgy tbh.
I gave up through most of this

10 37

COMIN' HOME. - Superjail! (2007)

5 22

kind of a small crossover bit with my OC Gin, sometimes he poofs back with his face or other body parts but in this case the staff doesn't even see the difference

4 16