Talented illustrator & animator Tristian Goik submitted an illustration of one of our fave boylesque performers Milo Pony for Volume 4 of our anthology! Preorders ship out Friday, head to https://t.co/NCFKgbwwKh now

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We're so glad to have back for Volume 4 of our anthology! To see his 🔥🔥🔥 submission preorder now! https://t.co/zIkGPlPuQ9

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Welcome back to Volume 4 ! We can't wait to show you what he's submitted this year! Preorder your copy NOW to be one of the first to see! https://t.co/zIkGPlxTYB

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is back for Volume 4. You may remember their ICONIC take on Michaelangelo's David in the last Volume and they did NOT disappoint This time around. Preorder your copy NOW at https://t.co/NCFKgbwwKh

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Michael Scanlon is up next in our Volume 4 artist list! This illustration is from Volume 2 and he has added one man to every year, so get ready for something twice as steamy!! Preorder now at https://t.co/NCFKgbwwKh!

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Next we've got Doable Guys co-founder ! Head to https://t.co/NCFKgbwwKh and preorder Volume 4 to see her 🔥🔥🔥submission!

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So excited to introduce von Kazanowsky as one of the new artists in Volume 4! We don't want to give away his submission, so if you want to see his beautiful, HOT work, preorder now at https://t.co/NCFKgbwwKh.

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Next up in our volume 4 line up is Grace Allison Perkins! You can check out our blog post about her at https://t.co/NCFKgbwwKh and while you're there, preorder vol 4!

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"Matthew" ink & watercolor. 8x10" from Tuesday's First Tuesday of every month! Come join us next time! Aug. 6th!

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I saw the new watts the Safeword YouTube video LOONING mrkristofer looks so happy in that video he made me smile to and I got inspired to make a sketch/Drawing

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It's been a little while since I've posted... but I've got a bunch of new stuff on the way! Starting with this painting of my forever-muse 💜 "Red Wine & Thin Mints" 8x10. Ink &a watercolor •

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Grace Allison Perkins submission from vol 3 of our anthology Only 3 panels but packed with intimacy & detail about the figures. More at https://t.co/Dt68R3KAnD

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Feeling the love this afternoon in his illustration by this week's featured artist Grace Allison Perkins! 💜💜💜 https://t.co/lsTTQsBmmQ

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How beautiful is the illustration by our Grace Allison Perkins?!? https://t.co/lsTTQsBmmQ for more! And if you're in NYC, we'll have some of her comics at our table for the

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We are excited to introduce you to this week's Grace Allison Perkins! Get ready for some intimate and tender comics & illustrations!! 😍 head to https://t.co/nmI3zv8ilk to see what she's is all about!

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