画質 高画質

The year is 2070.

Everyone is enjoying their lives. A.I has taken over the world, and blockchain technology is a must for every financial transaction (or they have crypto backed dollars).

You look at your wallet and see this 1/8888 immutable collectible.

You smile.

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Hola! Si quieren saber el motivo de mi emergencia, pues tengo una situación fuerte en casa. No daré mucho detalle, solo debo decir que les agradezco a los que siempre están ahí y me apoyan ❤ El pago es a través de Paypal y OXXO 🙇

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Feeling blessed and free to transact

Just picked up some beautiful MEME's that resonated with me from the collection

I really admire these artists and I was waiting for a good entry on these and it happened to be today

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