Let’s go I don’t want the new taters, well I do 😂 but give them to the community ❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪 Just a proud holder of my taters 🥰🚀

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I’m a Loud and Proud Tater through and through! Loyal to the Soil! 2023 is the year of the spud! LFG!! Tater Town population is going up and up and up!! Floor is being swept and going up and up and up! Taters Gonna Tate!! Let’s go!!

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My are ready to mobilize just tell me when! Did i mention they are gassy and ready to release methane too? LFG!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Cloud the Snow Leopard, one of my favorites to seen drawn and drawing him using his ice abilities is always super fun for me and is also one of my favorite designs I’ve made.
Second to last art by miitara on Deviantart. Final art by @:LazerPotaters

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First is Ashe the Cat, I’ve had her the longest and she used to be like based off of me until I changed her a bit because I didn’t like that she had my name and everything haha.
Last Art by @/LazerPotaters

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Come on , taters have been getting their dose of meth using alternate methods, transporting has been a hassle. Two taters got caught and are now in Taterjail, waiting for the Tater trial. One of our taters got KIA. We are losing lives here n need urgent supplies.🙏

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True Fact: i love potatoes and also produce menthane lol. LFG Taters & Bulls together. Its nothing but pure chemistry!

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Love the bulls and all my tater fam. Such an awesome community and utility. Transparent, and welcome Devs like make u want to be there 247. LFG!!! ❤️❤️

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I love my taters. Such an amazing mission and come on Mrs Taters or Tots hmmm does it not intrigue you?

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Thats a Fact!!!
Taters for $Meth please

3 6

I heard something about Halos in yestarday ??

Just noticed i have this dope one!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

10 20

Don't be a hater go sweep a

is now fully minted out 🥳

Follow for all listings and sales of Taters 👀

By just being a holder, you automatically get a Mrs Tater per tater you hold.. 👏

Mr & Mrs Tater.. Tater Tots? 👶

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