BEAAANS!! (same color as tounge)

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I have learned that the old tounge no longer exists in this world. I will try my best to adapt to the new "Lingo"

And that humans these days scream at the sight of once powerful Dragons? Maybe they will find this form more approachable?

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*the dragon let out a loud but soft moan as Rarity assaulted her G-spot with her tounge*

"Oh Rarity please don't stop~!"

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It walking on it''s moustache is really cool. It's a motive I've been really fond off. The thing... That one demon from Dmc 5 that walked on it's two tounges like legs.

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Dark chocolate is too bitter. White is way too creamy for me and melts easily, milk is soft on the tounge and well, milky. Unlike white, it melts easily in your mouth instead of your hand, and it's easy to bite down on, unlike the hard and bitter dark chocolate. Milk is superior.

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Messing with animation and those who do it...your all amazing! So much respect

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I decided to change Polo's tounge color after I drew that height reference chart to something thatd fit with his color scheme. I accidentally forgot his tongue split and pericing.

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Here you have two in one. 3 cool / cute looking males and ones hideous tounge containing made to dbe eaten bag.

Characters all from the Singer Eve + Kara no Kioku ( he has his own manga its hard to explain )

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(Naruto 039)

Orochimaru is the Hisoka of this series apparently. That tounge. *shivers*

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that's all I could find ;; guess I'm more of tounge-hanging-low kind of person ;p

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“I love you...”

Embermane and Sharptounge being the mushy old couple.💖

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YA KNOW WHAT, should I add the tounge or not??

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He's fighting his evil two tounged clone

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No Limits

Favorite Kinks:
Tounge Kissing

And other such kinks that fit with this theme...

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