I’ve been thinking about what to put in Disturbia’s Instagram account.

I want to give similar vibes as Penumbra and Heed’s one.

As if she were alive, posting about her life.
Like Hatsune Miku on Twitter.

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Maid tends depressed or very “in the clouds”, sometimes. Her pink Doll-like appearance contrasts her thoughts.
Unless you treat her kindly, she won’t change her gloomy state.

She rarely shows a fraction of what she used to be.

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9.0.9 Son of Kerro. Previously, the bear hybrid.

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♡ Learner ♡
I decided to make a drawing together with my AU.

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Después de unos cuantos días pude terminar esta colaboración con thewiththoutname en Instagram!! Un dibujo de Fiorii x Hearted Hat 💖💕
AU de: 🌺

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Sometimes I wonder if it is wrong the way I like to see Dem XD
I usually leave the canon intact, but when it comes to fanarts and how I had to change some of her behavior to fit in my AU… It turns out a little OOC which I personally don’t mind.


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A sweet friend from FB, drew my Eris💖💎🥺😭⭐ such a sweet fanart.

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Tenía muchas ganas de mostrarles este cómic! <3 Espero que les guste :D💕
Esta vez, una interacción entre Kink y Lust en el trabajo✨

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♡ Learner ♡

Posso ser fofinha // mais também posso ser felois

3 14

I made something for y'all~💫💜
𝓓𝓪𝓭𝓭𝔂 𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼

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How to have a Multiple Personality Disorder, but one personality is the exterior crazy one and the serene one is basically her soul-

The AU.

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