Year in review part 9: comic ideas. Character designs, playing with existing character designs, pinups and random faves

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Year in review part 8: comic ideas. Figuring out some design and story ideas for my Demon Girl series. Hope to get some pages done for next year.

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. reviews the best art shows of 2018 from around the country, from Jeffrey Gibson at the to Candice Lin at the . Did you get to catch any of these shows?

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My 2018 Summary of Art
Thanks for all the opportunities and support over the past year!

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...are we really that surprised? 💀🎮

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My 2018 Art Summary.
Fitting I began the year with my old 'sona and ended it with my new one.

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2018 was mostly other content than art. Plus there is a ton I can’t show you yet. ;-) But these are some things I made, with a little spoilage to boot! Mostly of course.

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We all picked out some of our favorite comics that other members of The Jam pit out in for a special post! This is an image taken from a story by & !

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Here's my 2017!

Picked up Pixelart
Came up with way too many DnD OCs and drew lots too
Failed inktober again :)

Here's my favourite 3 this year also!

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Ah -- your 2018 calendar make it to our Our 2017 Girl Power List.

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I think this is the first year I drew constantly at least something each month. There's still room to grow and you can see the difference between the pre and post-tablet drawings (I got it in february). 2017 was tough, but I hope I will keep improving

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Come check out my year in cartoons (and keep an eye out for a full page of color cartoons in tomorrow's Buffalo News):

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This year I completed my first full length comic issue Chrono Cadets. Worked on some incredibly exciting pitches, started a few endeavors of my own, started meditating and got back into painting just for me!

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Friends! Patrons! Here's a look back at 2017 and a look ahead at 2018. Very happy over all with how comics are going in Fomora!

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Ah -- your 2018 calendar make it to our Our 2017 Girl Power List.

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2017 has been an amazing year for platformers, and the best of these came in the form of two hat-related cartoony games. Thank you Super Mario Odyssey and !

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Had the pleasure ✨ to do some Illustrations with the team of for their

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