Dear Capcom: plz make Mega Man X9 and make Xero canon

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26 91

This is Zerox, pronouced "zeer-rox", a character from my K: BTS AU. He's a Toroblin, a species exclusive to my AU. They're simply anthropomorphic bovines. He is the cautious one of Kyle's group and he is a bit of a coward, but he will fight if the situation calls for it.

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一日目 東5ホール ペ31a


13 44


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11 44

- Clannad After Story
- By 布莱特ZeroX

38 54

ZEROX途中で一瞬意識なくなったから寝ますおやす~み~ 明日起きてからつづきやろ

1 16

I was watching a video that posted and I needed to draw some fluffy zerox to fill the void

21 52

by zerox_ii if you like this check out Chose no.2 after fren help me tweak …

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いよいよ、すぐ!4/17(日)『#ヤツコア vs WARP2ONE』会場:PLASTIC THEATER タイムテーブル出ました!Neodash Zerox(オランダ)北海道初上陸なんで是非来てくれよな!

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布莱特ZeroX - CLANNAD. Illustrator:

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Nalu commission for rzerox21xx! Lucy and Natsu see their child sonogram in lacrima~ ^^

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