210326 Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game weibo update

Yixing will attend the 6th anniversary of Fantasy Westward Journey tonight.

116 231

100321 Weibo Update "Berjuang untuk cita-cita! Saya aktor Zhang Yixing"

Yixing berperan sebagai Xiong Dazhen dalam TV series berjudul《Faith Makes Great》

226 663

210309 Weibo update:“Fight for your ideals!I am actor Zhang Yixing.”

Yixing will join tribute TV series《Faith Makes Great》playing scientist Xiong Dazhen who was wrongly executed as a spy.

872 2202

今天是农历正月初一!春节 (Spring Festival),牛年大吉!Happy Chinese New Year~

33 46

110221 Game mobile Fantasy Westward Journey Weibo Update 3P

34 80

农历春节来之前 更个新…
🥰提前说句:新春快乐❤️🌈 健康平安

166 437

040221 华语金曲奖 / Chinese Golden Melody Award Weibo Update

Zhang Yixing, Leslie Cheung, Champion of Guangdong- "Chinese Golden Melody Award" mengumumkan "Top Ten Chinese Records in 2020"


38 93