aa4 spoilers //
“I have to know. Why did you kill Shadi Smith? No… Zak Gramarye!?” / this is my art, please do not repost

4 4

they're the cutest

428 1404

i drew these before i ever even played aa4 i'm down for them so bad

129 415

// krisgav , aa4 spoilers
you know when you kill a man and make a stupid comment about that guy's bald head, but instead of laughing and calling you a genius people call you a murderer and you get sent to jail ??? 🙄

4 14

no one remembers this but i wanna draw aa4 gang in this style then i'll turn them all into acrylic pins hihi hoohoo

67 348

‼️AA4 chapter 4 spoilers‼️
How do you think the sibs felt when they find out who their mother is? How do you think they felt when they find out Lamiroir AND Phoenix have been hiding it from them for years?

9 18

AU where younger Klavier and Apollo meet and Apollo's still sick of him at first sight, lol. I apologize for all of my AUs: I will post non-AU stuff soon!

10 22

// AA4 spoilers
I constantly think about how Thalassa gave Apollo one of her bracelets and gave Trucy one of her earrings and everytime I do I fucking sob

6 29

take these wips kind of just so i can pretend imnot that inactive here...im playing aa4 n trying to figure out how to draw klavier </3

0 4

can we talk about how smooth the animation in aa4 is?? there's the obviously gorgeous sprites like klavier's air guitar but also sprites like this... do you see how smoothly her cape is animated????? perfect. Showstopping

39 292

me and the other aa4/dgs enjoyers

5 27

Salty Eldoon's noodles

0 4

My favorite thing about aa4? Seeing professional lawyer dork go to smug casual dork.

1 16

Polly falling asleep on case work in the middle of the night while reading manga and eating instant noodles does invade my thoughts

5 37

New pfp and its 2 (+3rd ver in thread) alts. Probably my favorite panel in the AA4 manga anthology.

0 0

Implied spoilers for aa4 //

the gramarye power 👁

59 185