The very definition of a true classic episode from Batman: The Animated Series, "Beware The Gray Ghost" debuted on this very day in 1992. Adam West's heartbreaking performance as The Gray Ghost is an all-timer. Legendary.

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Hoy habría cumplido 91 años El gran compartió esta pieza hoy, mientras que nosotros viajamos en el tiempo para rescatar la minientrevista que Everardo Ferrer sostuvo con el icónico en su única visita a México, en 1999

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Adam West Batman by Bill Sienkiewicz

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So doing another quick not yet in the design - of Wanted to go for an androgynous look at it felt like it fitted with the classic glam rock look/being a "perfect human"/canonically having a "female half" etc.

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Been hearing rumors of being eye’d to play Adam Warlock! So here’s an edit I did of it :D

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Who's your favorite comic-book woman of all time? Challenge: only pick one.
(Art by AdamWithers)

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✒️ Jumping into our line-up is American comic book writer & artist Adam is most famous for his original graphic novel an adaptation of the characters known as

➡️ More on Adam Warren //

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