Paling enak jam sgni pelukan.
Mandi ah. Jgn liat ya. :)
Mandi biar sexc.
Mandi. :)
Saatnya Mandi. :)
Mao mandi jgn liat. :)
sampe rumah mao mandi. :)

Ya Allah SWT terima kasih telah menciptakan kaum wanita di dunia ini. Allahuakbar

11 4

Today On 6 July 1614 Raja Man Singh breathed his last.

He was a trusted general of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, who included him among the Navaratnas, of his court.

He build the Govinda Dev temple in Vrindavan, which was later sacked by Aurangzeb.

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Makasih untuk kesempatannya kak!

Kayaknya 4 ini fav saya so far karena waktu bikinnya lama Allahuakbar, tapi aku suka hasilnya.

Dan juga fandomnya itu, fandom local, bisa berkontribusi dengan fanart fandom local tuh *chef kiss*

Kedepannya pingin bisa ngehasilin uang nih.

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A powerful image from the Darabnamah commissioned for the Emperor 1580-85: Bahman, son of the hero Isfandiyar, and his horse are swallowed by a dragon

More here:

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Raja Rai Singh of Bikaner was a favourite of Akbar and a perfect Mughal courtier- a brave warrior, a writer of Sanskrit texts, and a patron of culture. 16th c ⁦

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I was so happy that I figured out an Actually Good way to shade hair that I immediately did a second test with Carra.

I’m still learning, so any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Akbar had books read out to him.

Here is such an instance from a Mughal Painting.

Credits :

Source :

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day 3: allah awakbar

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Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar...
Happy Eid Mubarak 1441 H
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Semoga Allah mengampuni segala dosa kita....amin 🙏

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Halo aku akbar, style ku tida pernah konsisten xixixi

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The episode where 'One of Lord Servant overhears a Washerman quarreling with his Wife', leading to trial of
A folio from 1598 (#Ramayan).
By artist Daud, brother of an important master artist in Emperor atelier.

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Muhammad Akbar Khan (Barakzai). 1878 magazine engraving.

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Deccan Painting, possibly Machilipatnam Style
Akbar seated on an elephant c. 1780
at National Gallery of Australia

was it a fun? game?
excuse is "a mast elephant has broken its chain & seized an attendant" given in site

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Mohammed Akbar Khan. 1878 magazine engraving.

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Congratulations to all on the birth anniversary of the son of Imam Hussein (as), Ali al-Akbar (as)💚 It has been narrated that he resembled the Prophet (pbuh) with his looks and personality. Whenever Ahlulbayt (as) would miss the Prophet, they would look at Ali al-Akbar💚

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200321 Instagram update📸

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When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was going to Britain to see universities ,His Friend Maulvi Imdad Ali was going for Hajj pilgrimage.
At that time Akbar Allahabadi wrote this verse:

"Sidhaare.n Sheikh Kaabe ko ham Inglistaaan dekhenge

Wo dekhen Ghar khuda ka ham khuda ki shaan dekhenge

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