. 『折手(アンブラハンズ)』
(Folded hands (Ambrahans))

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I'm excited to share four of my pieces that will be part of Power in Numbers show in Alhambra. All done with watercolor.

It's a cash and carry event on Sept 3-4. If you happened to be in the area, you should check it out.
Info: https://t.co/2nDT6uPpYE

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I will have 2 pieces in the upcoming Power in Numbers Alhambra show!😊
Very chuffed to be included, a lot of artists I thoroughly admire work with this wonderful gallery.
The originals will only be available there for $100 each.

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Et voici la dernière Déesse des saisons : Ambralia, la Déesse de l’Automne, surnommée La Chasseuse! 🍂
Ça a pas été simple de lui trouver un design, ce fut probablement la plus hard que j'ai imaginé sur les 4 Dieux des saisons- Mais j'espère qu'elle rend bien également 🙏

6 16

Hard headed man of anarchy, weapon of choice being natural melee with elemental boosts through his channeling vambrace and security suit. Elements include fire, ice, nature, earth, electricity and music


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20分以上に及ぶ長尺「FANCY FREE」の圧巻の演奏、出だしから目の覚めるような存在感を放つ「SAMBRA」、それぞれのソロが悶絶級の演奏を魅せる「SWEET MAMA」など熱狂的なライヴ・パフォーマンスを楽しめる一枚。


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If you are not already following William Bradford , I highly recommend that you do

3 17

some revenges i did !
dorkzilla / Lambraced / RyzechDev / Andyk

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Here's Jy'Zail an alchemist of

4 12

¿Quieres ganar el torneo de de la 💪 Nuestra experta Ludovica te comparte estos 8 pro-tips ⛲ ¡Recuerda que aún estás a tiempo de inscribirte en el torneo online de de este sábado! Inscríbete aquí ➡️ https://t.co/MSOZiO1gKm

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20220727 Playlist


Stay With Me

Marine Sorbet
Watermelon Sugar



1 11

"Le sans nom" an other one of The trinity of

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루크에게 베스카 완갑을 선물하는 자린씨
당연히 머드혼 문장이 새겨져있음

Din gives Luke a beskar vambrace and mudhorn signet is on it

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tengo la mano acalambrada, pero creo que cambié un poco mi estilo de dibujo KJHSDK <3 otro wip que dudo terminar para el nalu day, pero espero terminarlo algun dia

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Jabal - one of the God of

3 25

Los perritos ambrazados han visitado tu timeline.
Dale RT para que no olvides darle cariño a los perritos en el dia del perro

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