1541 Italian reproduction of a slightly earlier portrait of Cameria, daughter of the Ottoman Emperor, in a dramatic headpiece.

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完成。完全版は告知の際に。サーカス感ないけど、これが私のサーカスということで(笑)「誰も観たことがないサーカスを。それがameria circusのsix membersよ。」さあ次はミニ原画を本格的に。

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Johanna Helena Herolt, daughter of the famed was a gifted botanical artist in her own right

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アメリアちゃん @ameria_creatio

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6/27迄【Kamerian.展「Fugly land」】狂想曲のようなポップな作風に性や暴力などの背徳的表現を盛り込む。テーマは「幼稚で暴力的」!http://t.co/SAPa7IEQTs

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<今後の展示>Kamerian.展「Fugly land」'15/6/22 〜 6/27@ヴァニラ画廊展示室B  http://t.co/SAPa7IEQTs

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Our Peacocks & Admirals collection was inspired by scientific illustrator http://t.co/K4OPZUWWl0

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Have you heard of She Inspired our Peacocks & Admirals range http://t.co/K4OPZUWWl0

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Van a sacar 2 garage kits nuevos de Lina y Ameria con los trajecitos del Otome no inori. Oh Dios. Adios dinero.

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Swackett salutes Stephen Gary Wozniak; an Amerian inventor and electronics engineer who co-founded Apple computer.

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Y aquí va Ameria!! Ya casi están todos...

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