Why Kamisaki just Works Even in Tragedy


I made an analytical blog explaining why Shokuhou Misaki will likely be the endgame girl for Kamijou Touma. There are many parallels and symbolisms between the characters.

Thanks for reading!!

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if you want the analytical psyche evaluation of man’s inner turmoil pay I suggest um.... LITERALLY EVERY OTHER MEMBER OF THE ROGUE GALLERY? literally all of those presented below have intricate backstories and explanations behind their motives and eventual villain origins

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Norman - Grace Field House genius with excellent analytical skills and calm judgment

273 1957

Tribute to one of my favorite content creators
Would mean a lot of me if people would go check out their fantastic, analytical content on YT.

💀Doing some different color practices while branching out my techniques ~ Also beards are hard to draw..

2 24

I usually phrase tweets in the form of a joke/satire or overly analytical

But right now I just wanted to gush about how much I love these large 11/10 female casts

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Still life with bottle of Anis del Mono, 1909

8 23

I redid Lady Mona's character reference, since the last one was from two years ago!
She's Capt. Monty's travel buddy, and best friend, and is literally a butterfly in human form!
She's laid back, analytical, and can control light rays to deadly effect!

5 9

Corvo is an Android which is governed by directives that prohibit him from going against beings that are not entities of cosmic level or gods, he is someone analytical to the situation who will seek to avoid innocent casualties as much as possible. 1/2

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Sardonyx/Kaimile has always been the skeptical, analytical one in the pair, but fiercely protective of those they love. (3)

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whenever someone compliments my art on a more analytical level rather than the more generic-but-still-appreciated praise
(or even just neutrally talk about my art in more detail)

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• Your second (or first) fave Genshin character may..or may not be Zhongli.
• You are easily skeptical of things until proven otherwise.
• You are a very analytical person.
• You tend to enjoy working alone and getting things done yourself.
• You ALSO love cats.

19 101

Chimei launches new site to introduce the technical history of its art collection, using a wide range of analytical tools to shed light on the process, from idea to artwork to reflection.


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and I like being both analytical and creative! I am an engineer and an artist. Hi!

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Rival Battle: Kayla VS Rita

Of all of Kayla's foes, Rita's the most evenly matched. Even without the Prototype Supersuit, she can keep up with Kayla's speed. Armed with an analytical fighting style and one-hit KO moves, Kayla can't rely on her usual tricks if she wants to win.

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I have more analytical Dimitri concept stuff to share, but it just feels like more of a messy kissing practice kind of day.

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Harbor in Normandy (1909)
by Georges Braque
Style: Analytical Cubism

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*laughs in new oc*

It's Hyuu Tigris!
He's level headed, unlike his chaotic plasma ball of a brother . . . He has insane analytical skills and can identify his opponents flaws and strength just by driving behind them for a minute.

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✏️INTL Editorial Programming Coordinator (entry-level)

👀meticulous, analytical & creative who takes pride in their work and isn't afraid to shake up the system

Apply online or DM me!


6 11

undertaker stans

- very smart and analytical
- into theories and making theories about the theories
- villain stans and fuсkеrs
- undertaker 🥵💦 but undertakerrr 🤏🥺
- lurk online
- i have yet to meet an undertaker stan i don't like
- that gay sh!t [slurpp]

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